As a Kindergarten teacher, I am always asked “What do my Kiddos need to know before they enter Kindergarten?” I always tell parents “Remember 1st grade? That is what we are doing in Kindergarten now!” Shocks their pants off I tell ya! It is not unknown that Early Childhood is my passion, so this is my “area” so to say! But I put together a couple of things I commonly tell parents before Kindergarten.
PLEASE let your kiddo use scissors at home! Teach them the correct way to use them, and let them practice. My favorite center in my room is when I get out the sensory table and have a bunch of paper scraps and scissors. Let them cut playdoh (You will be Parent of the year for that one!)
Starting in about October, Mrs. Hoffer conveniently forgets how to tie shoes and button coats. Ask a friend is what I tell them. The ones that can tie and button and zip feel very proud that they can do it!
So many skills can be taught just from a child listening to a parent read. Not to mention building their stamina for sitting and listening during school.
Then my favorite. Let your child lose at board games. Please. This is such a huge social skills that the kiddos need.
But if you really want good resources than you are going to love this amazing deal over at Educnets! I have teamed up with 17 other amazing sellers to load your classrooms with 19 resources!
My product included will surely be loved by your students!
As a whole group, we do a sort. The cards are included in the pack, we sort them by letter or number. Then we CUT and GLUE. Yes those naughty words! I love to cut and glue in my room! But this would be a great opportunity to practice these skills with your preschool baby!
For a limited time it is $29.99 from Educents which is over 70% off! It also includes these other great products so there is sure to things you love! (They even have $10 off for first time customers… so it can be even cheaper if you have never bought anything from Educents!)
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