I can not believe I didn’t blog about one of my FAVORITE holidays during the year. Ok ok it isnt a holiday Per Say, but in my house, it ranks right up there with Teacher Appreciation week
As many of you might know, I am a Proud Police Wife. Yes, it sucks that he is gone most of the night, and it sucks that his days off never line up with mine. But I am more proud in the fact, that he keeps our town safe, and he helps those in need. But enough of the mushy stuff….
Okay okay…one more 
Anywho, because Hubby is in my classroom a lot, reading with my kids, playing with my kids, making fun of me, and generally making my students comfortable around police, I have 22 little munchkins who think the world of this man. So we do something fun for the department!
My kids made this AWESOME books last year.
Each of them made a page in it that said “Police can….” “Police are…” or “Police have…” it is so stinking cute! And the guys loved them! As a matter of fact, I was at the Station taking my husband a shake the other day and it was sitting on a table!
Here is one of the pages. Be still my heart! Look at that! “Police can save people” Now I wish I could say that all my darlings had that good of handwriting, and that neat that they only had to do it one. But….That would be a big fat lie
We had to practice…
They spelled it for me, and I wrote it down, they practiced with dry erase then they wrote with Sharpie.
So we had our book to take to them, we also had the cutest little hats and stickers (Forgot to take a picture) and off we went. Oh did I mention what else we took??
Donuts! No trip to the station is complete with out donuts for the guys! We took real ones and these cuties that A Cupcake for the Teacher sells on TpT.
We hung them on their lockers, took a tour of the station and got to hang out with some pretty cool dudes and ladies. We had a blast! And I can’t wait to go again this year!
Update 9/13/15:
We also have made these cuties to take to the Police Station. They are just so cute too!! This is a freebie HERE over at TpT
We also have made these cuties to take to the Police Station. They are just so cute too!! This is a freebie HERE over at TpT
I didn’t want to make this all about the product, because all this can be done without it, but if you want to cut some time you can get it here:
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