Hi Friends! I am back again this weekend linking up with Deedee Wills and her Peek at my Week!
Like last week, I am posting what my kids are doing in centers this week. That is much more fun :)
I bet some of you are saying, You can’t go to Starfall on your iPads, what is this crazy lady talking about! Download the free app “Rover” and you can use websites that use java!
Make sure you click on the pic, there is a freebie for the writing center!
I reworked my Weather Game today, make sure you go check it out! It has 40 CVC nonsense words. Perfect for this time of year when our Oklahoma weather goes bezerk!

And just a visual reminder of what centers look like this week!
I MIGHT be able to link up with Five for Friday on Sunday. :) Have a good night!
Love the visual plans! Thanks for sharing. :)
The Brown-Bag Teacher