Therapeutic Thursday

I am linking up with Blog Hoppin for Therapeutic Thursday.


When I first saw Therapeutic Thursday I thought. What in the WORLD am I supposed to write about?! Then I thought, what is therapeutic to me? What do I do after a stressful day?

My first thought is doing this…


With one of these…


With these three boys…

my iphone photots 433

My hubby and our dogs, Leo and Atlas. As I speak? type? I have Leo curled up in my lap and Atlas is on my feet!

When I have time, I do some of this.


I played golf thought all of high school and all of college. I am not good at it, but there is nothing more relaxing

And finally, reading up on Kindergarten things.

i love my kinders

That makes no sense, but thinking about school relaxes me! I love to read blogstalk, pinterest and create things!

Remember tomorrow is FRIDAY!

See ya tomorrow!