Hi friends! It sure has been awhile! But after my finals were turned in and school was out, there was nothing but romance novels and bad reality TV going on at my house!! There was a lot of staying up way late and sleeping in even later! But now that I have a week of school with my kiddos down, I am ready to get back in the drivers seat of my blog! Incase you haven’t noticed, take a look at the super cute blog design! I am totally head over heels in love with it!!
Anywho in Kindergarten this week we are starting off with Penguins! We started the morning off with a KWL Chart.
We already got an answer after the first book we read! My kids had a LOT of prior knowledge so I am super impressed!
Then we got into some centers!
This center works on sight words. You can write your own words in that is specific to your class’ needs.
This center can be done a few different ways. We are working on how many you need to make ten. You can also just have the students write what the number says.
This center the students have to write the missing vowel sounds.
Sorting by word family in this center is fun! The kids have to sort then write the words on the response sheet.
My kids have also been having a ball playing games when we are short on time.
I have who has is a favorite, it is even more fun when it is themed.
Then the absolute favorite of this week is Penguin Splash! A little review after break, and did I mention it is FREE in my TPT store??
We also found Pink Cat Studio’s whiteboard games. It is a super fun way to tie in Penguins and still academic! {Click the link to go check them out!}
Also in the morning we have been taking attendance with her attendance check in! So fun!!
All of these centers and games are found in my Penguins, Polar Bears and Polar Animals Unit that is on TPT. Click any pictures to go check it out!
This weekend I also updated my Groundhog unit!
(You better hurry! It is on sale HALF OFF for about 3 more hours tonight!!)
Then I am ALMOST done with my Love Bugs unit!!
Well this girl is worn smooth! See you guys later!! (Hopefully not in a month
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