Hunker Down!

As any true Okie would day, “Hunker Down, there’s a Storm a-coming!”. Welcome to the ‘Nado Ally peeps! Who would of thought the thought of one of these bad boys would knock my kiddos of kilter!After the May 22nd Tornado in Joplin, my kids are super wary of tornados and storms in general. So I am slaving away working on a weather unit, so they can be more accustomed to what comes with storms before ‘Nado season really hits! So I spent all weekend with my doggies and my ‘rents in their basement!

We start back with State Testing tomorrow, so today was our only day this week we could talk :) We are starting to talk about The life cycles of a butterfly! Look at how cute these little charts came out! We really talked about Non-Fiction books and are going to write our own tomorrow.

photo 1

Caterpillars come from eggs.

Caterpillars make chrysalises.

He turns into a beautiful butterfly.

photo 2

Make a cocoon.

They eat their shell

They can defend their selves

They breath through their sides

They eat leaves

4 stages of life cycle

I LOVE their inventive writing, but I can really tell we need to work on capital letters and finger spaces! I forgot the labeling of a caterpillar, Oops!


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